Mastering SQL - A Journey to the Dataverse


9 min read

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a programming language used for managing and querying data stored in relational databases. It is the most widely-used language for working with relational data and is an essential skill for anyone looking to work with data in a professional setting.

The basic concepts and terminology of SQL include:

  • Database: A collection of data organized into tables, schemas, and other structures.

  • Table: A collection of data organized into rows and columns. Tables are used to store data in a structured way.

  • Column: A named field in a table that represents a specific piece of information, such as a person's first name or email address.

  • Row: A single record in a table, consisting of a set of values for each of the table's columns.

  • Query: A request to retrieve or manipulate data from a database. Queries are written in SQL and executed against a database to perform various operations.

  1. Basic SQL queries

    • Selecting columns and rows from a table

    • Filtering results using the WHERE clause

    • Sorting and ordering results

  2. Advanced SQL queries

    • Using JOIN to combine data from multiple tables

    • Grouping and aggregating results with GROUP BY and HAVING

    • Subqueries and common table expressions

  3. Working with data in SQL

    • Inserting, updating, and deleting data in a table

    • Creating and modifying tables and schemas

  4. SQL in the real world

    • Popular SQL databases and variations of the language

    • Tips and best practices for working with SQL in a professional setting

Each section could include examples of SQL queries to illustrate the concepts being discussed. For example, in the section on basic SQL queries, we could include examples like:

To select columns and rows from a table, we use the SELECT and FROM clauses. For example, the following query selects all columns and rows from the users table:

SELECT * FROM users;

We can also specify which columns we want to include in the results by listing them after the SELECT keyword. For example, the following query selects only the first_name and last_name columns from the users table:

SELECT * FROM users;

To filter the results of a query, we can use the WHERE clause. This clause allows us to specify conditions that rows must meet in order to be included in the results. For example, the following query selects all rows from the users table where the age column is greater than 18:

the SELECT keyword. For example, the following query selects only the first_name and last_name columns from the users table:

SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users;

We can also use the ORDER BY clause to sort the results of a query in ascending or descending order. For example, the following query selects all rows from the users table and orders the results by the last_name column in ascending order:

SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY last_name;

the following query selects all rows from the users table where the age column is greater than 18:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE age > 18;

In these examples, the SELECT the statement is used to specify which columns should be included in the results of the query, and the FROM a clause is used to specify the table that the data that should be retrieved. The WHERE and ORDER BY clauses are used to filter and sort the results of the query, respectively.

  1. Advanced SQL queries

In this section, we will cover more advanced techniques for working with data in SQL, including using JOIN to combine data from multiple tables, grouping and aggregating results with GROUP BY and HAVING, and using subqueries and common table expressions.

To combine data from multiple tables, we can use the JOIN clause. This allows us to link rows from one table to corresponding rows in another table based on shared values in common columns. For example, the following query uses a JOIN clause to combine data from the users and orders tables, linking rows in the users table to rows in the orders table based on the user_id column:

FROM users
JOIN orders ON users.user_id = orders.user_id;

The GROUP BY and HAVING clauses can be used to group and filter the results of a query based on the values in one or more columns. This is useful for performing aggregations, such as calculating the total number of orders per user. For example, the following query groups the results by the user_id column and calculates the total number of orders per user:

SELECT user_id, COUNT(*) as total_orders
FROM orders
GROUP BY user_id

The HAVING clause in this example is used to filter the results and only include users who have placed more than 10 orders.

Subqueries and common table expressions (CTEs) are advanced techniques that can be used to write more complex and efficient queries. A subquery is a query nested inside another query, and a CTE is a named temporary result set that can be referenced within a query. These techniques can be used to write queries that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to write using only the basic SQL clauses.

Here is an example of a query using a subquery and a CTE to find the top 10 users who have placed the most orders:

WITH top_users AS (
    SELECT user_id, COUNT(*) as total_orders
    FROM orders
    GROUP BY user_id
    ORDER BY total_orders DESC
    LIMIT 10
SELECT users.*
FROM users
JOIN top_users ON users.user_id = top_users.user_id;

In this query, the CTE named top_users is defined using a subquery that calculates the total number of orders per user and sorts the results in descending order. The main query then uses the JOIN clause to combine the data from the users and top_users tables and only select the top 10 users based on the results of the subquery.

These are just a few examples of advanced SQL queries. In the next section, we will cover how to work with data in SQL, including inserting, updating, and deleting data, and creating and modifying tables and schemas.

  1. Working with data in SQL

In this section, we will cover how to work with data in SQL, including inserting, updating, and deleting data, and creating and modifying tables and schemas.

To insert data into a table, we use the INSERT INTO statement. This statement allows us to specify the table we want to insert data into, and the values to be inserted for each column in the table. For example, the following query inserts a new row into the users table with the specified values for the first_name, last_name, and email columns:

INSERT INTO users (first_name, last_name, email)
VALUES ('John', 'Doe', '');

To update existing data in a table, we use the UPDATE statement. This statement allows us to specify the table we want to update, the column(s) to be updated, and the new values for those columns. For example, the following query updates the email column for the user with the specified user_id:

UPDATE users
SET email = ''
WHERE user_id = 123;

To delete data from a table, we use the DELETE FROM statement. This statement allows us to specify the table we want to delete data from and the criteria for which rows should be deleted. For example, the following query deletes all rows from the users table where the email column is empty:


In addition to working with data in existing tables, we can also create and modify tables and schemas using SQL. To create a new table, we use the CREATE TABLE statement. This statement allows us to specify the name of the new table and the columns it will contain, along with the data types and constraints for each column. For example, the following query creates a new users table with three columns:

    user_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
    first_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    last_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL

To modify an existing table, we can use the ALTER TABLE statement. This statement allows us to add, modify, or drop columns in the table, as well as make other changes to the table's structure. For example, the following query adds a new email column to the users table:


These are just a few examples of how to work with data in SQL. In the next section, we will discuss how SQL is used in the real world, including popular SQL databases and variations of the language.

  1. SQL in the real world

In this section, we will discuss how SQL is used in the real world, including popular SQL databases and variations of the language.

There are many different SQL databases available, each with its own strengths and features. Some of the most popular SQL databases include MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Microsoft SQL Server. These databases are used by a wide range of organizations, from small businesses to large enterprises.

In addition to the standard SQL language, many databases also have their own variations and extensions. For example, MySQL has its own flavor of SQL that includes additional features and functions not found in the standard SQL language. Similarly, PostgreSQL has its own set of extensions and customizations that make it unique.

When working with SQL in a professional setting, it's important to be aware of these differences and choose the right database and SQL dialect for your needs. It's also important to follow best practices and guidelines for writing efficient and effective SQL queries. Some tips for working with SQL in the real world include:

  • Use proper indentation and formatting to make your queries easy to read and understand.

  • Use comments to explain the purpose and logic of your queries.

  • Use table aliases to make your queries more concise and easier to read.

  • Use subqueries and CTEs to write complex queries in a more efficient and readable way.

  • Test your queries on a sample dataset before running them on a live database.

  • Use indexing and other performance-enhancing techniques to improve the speed and efficiency of your queries.

Here is an example of a well-formatted and well-written SQL query that follows these best practices:

Find the top 10 users who have placed the most orders
WITH top_users AS (
    SELECT user_id, COUNT(*) as total_orders
    FROM orders
    GROUP BY user_id
    ORDER BY total_orders DESC
    LIMIT 10
FROM users u
JOIN top_users tu ON u.user_id = tu.user_id;

In this query, we use proper indentation and formatting to make the query easy to read. We also use comments to explain the purpose of the query and a CTE to write the query in a more efficient and readable way. We also use table aliases to make the query more concise.